The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Chili Chefs

After much (and I do mean much) deliberation, our family decided to make "baked potato chili" for the annual chili cook-off for our ward. Basically, instead of putting chili on a baked potato, we put baked potato inside the chili. The kids were in charge of listing the ingredients they wanted, and they did all the chopping, can opening, and ingredient adding. It was their chili, and they were proud of it. It was also super delicious. I am not the only person who thought so, either, because it won runner up for fan favorite. Out of 23 chilis, that's not too shabby. I was very proud of how creative the kids were, and of how we worked together as a family. I can't wait to make our tasty new recipe again.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Back to work...

Today was my first day teaching music this school year. It was fun and exciting and fulfilling and exhausting. Definitely exhausting. (Although it could be that I was already exhausted and this just kept me too busy to be un-exhausted.) Hanging out with 80+ preschoolers is not for the faint of heart.

It was a treat to see Seth with his class, and to hear him sing with such enthusiasm. I was also happy to see him raise his hand and follow instructions. You go, boy.

It was hard to send Joy to her friends' house in the morning, but she had a blast. I am so grateful that she has a safe, happy place to go each week, even though I missed her guts the whole time.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Toddler time

Today I went on a walk with Joy, just for fun. We had a destination in mind, but weren't pressed for time, so I let her set the pace. It was amazing to see what caught her attention. She stopped to peek down holes, feel the texture of different walls and sidewalks, wave to people in shops, climb up on benches, pick up leaves, stick her hand between fence posts, admire window displays, walk back and forth over grates, and just generally explore and examine the world around her. It made me realize just how much I miss when I am rushing from one place to another. From now on, I plan to work a little more toddler time into my life.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Highlight of the day...

Watching these two laughing uncontrollably while sharing samples in the cart at Costco. They are such good buddies!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lost and found

Today we managed to leave Rose's new rolling backpack (and all of the stuff inside of it) at Target. Rose and my mom backtracked to grab it, but it was gone.  (By the way, hooray for visiting moms who will still do your dirty work even though you are ostensibly an adult!) 

Rose was quite distraught, but tried to be upbeat and responsible about it. We left our number in case it turned up, and went on with our day. As the hours passed and no call came, Rose became more and more upset. She prayed that someone would find it, but we began trying to resign ourselves to the fact that it might not come back.

Then, Super Meema (aka my mother) went completely out of her way to stop by Target as she left town. And lo and behold, the backpack had turned up, along with everything inside it. The kids reminded me that we should say a thankful prayer, and we did- we were thankful for Meema for bringing it to us and for whoever turned it in. Our heroine then delivered the backpack to our door before she headed on her way. 

I have never seen Rose so happy to be able to do her homework.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Story time smiles

Now that the big kids are back in school, Joy has been going to story time at the library each week. These pictures clearly show that she loves it.  Of course I am only too happy to take her.  Any excuse to get to the library, right?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Snuggly weather

Fall is in the air, and I love it!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Creative technology

Me: How sweet, Seth, you are blowing your sister kisses!

Seth: Nope. I'm giving her some air conditioning.

Cozy Classics

This just might be my new favorite thing. 

They use these precious felt dolls to tell the entire story of Pride and Prejudice in 12 one word pages. "Friends. Sisters. Dance. Mean..." It is adorable, and surprisingly accurate. I saw it at the library and knew that it must be mine.  Our copy came in the mail yesterday and has already received much love and appreciation from all of us.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Ride 'em cowboys (and girls)!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Back to School!


2nd Grade

4th Grade

Getting some time with Mommy all to herself

So fun!

Catching Up: Vacation Days 5 and 6

We took a slight vacation from vacation and had a fairly normal weekend here in the city. We went downtown to meet some cousins who were visiting, then spent the evening with them at the park up in our neighborhood. It was a lot of fun.  Sunday was church, as usual. By Monday, though, we were ready to party some more, which brings us to day 5. (Counting the "vacationy" days, not the normal ones.)

Day 5: The Beach and a movie marathon

Even though the weather was rotten (pretty much guaranteed thunderstorms after 1pm) we decided to spend our Labor Day at the beach. It was the last day the beaches would be open- meaning there are life guards and you can swim in the water- until next summer. We went early to avoid the worst of the weather and it turned out great. The dark sky kept the crowds away, but it was hot and muggy enough that it felt great to be in the water. Right as we were leaving, the storm started. It was perfect timing.

Once we got home and cleaned up, we ordered pizza and had a Toy Story marathon. We only watched the first two, but that was plenty of fun. We were all ready for bed after another great vacation day.

Day 6: Chuck E. Cheese, IKEA, and the drive-in

The heading pretty much tells it like it is. Spent the morning playing at Chuck E. Cheese, had lunch at IKEA (kids eat free on Tuesdays!), then drove upstate and wandered around until the drive-in opened. We saw Monsters University and Despicable Me 2 (because we hadn't watched enough movies the day before) and almost all of the kids stayed awake for almost all of the movies. It was a wonderful way to end our vacation days. We stumbled in around one in the morning again, but we learned from our mistakes and didn't get a ticket this time.

Catching Up: Vacation- Day 4

Day 4: Canada to NYC

First thing on day 4 we achieved our goal. We drove the last 5 miles to the end of Route 9, and got close enough to Canada to fool our cell phone provider. (They sent us a text welcoming us to Canada.) We cheered, took some pictures and then turned around.

The arrow in that picture is pointing to the circled "End Rte 9" sign. Photographic evidence, folks.

For our trip home, we decided to take a different route and drive through Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. More stunning scenery and lots of fun tourist traps. Ready for too many pictures? Here we go!

First, they may want to change the state slogan of Vermont to: "Stick your Face into a Hole and Take a Cute Picture!"  Many faces were stuck in many holes and many pictures were taken. Here are some of the cutest:

First we visited the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory. We brought along our bear to visit his home. The kids were very impressed that the bears are guaranteed for life, and loved rolling around in the giant pile of bears.

Next we hit the Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Factory tour. Definitely the tastiest tour, and they even had sorbet that Rose could have at the end! She was ready to just enjoy the science of ice cream, but it is always better to enjoy the real thing.

Next we hit the giant Cabot cheese store. It was free sample heaven. Then we stopped by a cider press...

and a glass blowing studio...

and just had a wonderful time.

Then we finally got onto a major highway and hurried home. The only major side trip was when we decided to slip over the river into New Hampshire for dinner, just so we could say we had been there. We managed to get lost, and the only restaurant that was Rose friendly was Burger King, so it wasn't exactly the highlight of our trip. Still- we can say that we've been there.

We rolled into NYC around one in the morning, spent 45 minutes looking for a parking spot, and then still managed to get a parking ticket by 7:45 the next morning. It is a testament to how great our trip was that we just shrugged and said that it was totally worth it.

Catching Up Post: Vacation- Days 1, 2, and 3

First, let me tell you that this was one of the best vacations we have ever had. It was fun, relaxing, and even slightly educational (don't tell the kids!). Months ago, Stephen and the kids discovered that Broadway is also Route 9 and that if you stay on it long enough you dead end at Canada. So that's what we did. We drove through tiny towns, amazing scenery, and plenty of farm country. We averaged about 40 mph, drove with the windows down, and stopped whenever we felt like it.  We played games, sang songs, told stories, asked questions and explored.  We rarely had Internet access and our phones were silent for most of the time. It was wonderful to have so much uninterrupted, undiluted family time. It was the perfect way to end the summer.

Day 1: NYC to Albany

The big event of day 1 was really just making it on the road. Due to a crazy, last minute home reorganization project we were up until one in the morning the night before, and still had to find our floor before we left. Once we finally got out of the house, the adventure began! Our first official stop (besides a cute baby consignment store and a slurpee run) was at the Walkway Above the Hudson, which is exactly what it sounds like. It was quite a warm day, and the temperature on the walkway had been at 110 earlier in the day, so it turns out we were glad that we arrived in the late afternoon. The views were amazing, and the story of how they built the walkway was quite interesting. Stephen and John made it the two miles all the way across and back, but the rest of us turned back half-way (it was still really hot!).

Once we were done, we piled back into the air conditioned car and kept going. We stopped in Hyde Park to see FDR's home and some amazing mansions. Then we found a cute little inn with a pool outside Albany and ended our day with a splash session. 

Day 2: Albany to Lake George

We started our morning with another lovely swim and a delicious breakfast at the inn's little coffee shop.

After a stop at a local farm stand we headed into Albany. We had Italian ices in the park, explored some local architecture including the capital building (gorgeous!) and The Egg (weird!), then had some amazing BBQ from a food truck. 

After some necessary stops for Internet (Stephen), a playground (the kids), and Walmart (me!), we drove on to Lake George where we discovered Gooney Golf, and simply had to stop. 

Once that adventure was over we snuck into our campground after dark and settled in for the night. We fell asleep to rolling thunder, but miraculously did not get rained on. It was another great day.

Day 3: Lake George to Champlain

When we woke up on day 3 we discovered this lovely surprise:

The day before we heard a loud pop while we were driving, but couldn't figure out what it was. Turns out it was our tire popping. Our weight and the weight of all our stuff kept it sealed, but once we unloaded all our camping gear (and ourselves) it opened right up. It was an honest to goodness miracle that it lasted the rest of day 2 and then long enough to backtrack to a tire shop the next morning. More specifically, it carried us to four tire shops, because we discovered that we have weirdo tires that nobody carries. We did finally find a match, though, and after a lovely morning watching Let's Make a Deal and Price is Right on the auto shop tv, we were on our way through the Adirondaks!

We stopped to hike a natural stone bridge and caverns. It was incredibly beautiful and the kids were really good sports about all the walking. There was a gift shop, too, where John got a geode for his rock collection and have them cut it open for him. Definitely a fun stop.

After camping and hiking, a swim sounded great, so we finished up our day at a hotel with a pool (and an ice machine- yay!).

Catching up

Yes, we are back from vacation. No, I haven't blogged about it yet. We have been busy going back to school and reorganizing our apartment, which I also haven't blogged about yet. This means you are about to be treated to a frenzy of updating. Feel free to skip all my rambling and just skip to the pictures of my cute kids. We all know that's why you are really here.