The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Catching Up: Vacation Days 5 and 6

We took a slight vacation from vacation and had a fairly normal weekend here in the city. We went downtown to meet some cousins who were visiting, then spent the evening with them at the park up in our neighborhood. It was a lot of fun.  Sunday was church, as usual. By Monday, though, we were ready to party some more, which brings us to day 5. (Counting the "vacationy" days, not the normal ones.)

Day 5: The Beach and a movie marathon

Even though the weather was rotten (pretty much guaranteed thunderstorms after 1pm) we decided to spend our Labor Day at the beach. It was the last day the beaches would be open- meaning there are life guards and you can swim in the water- until next summer. We went early to avoid the worst of the weather and it turned out great. The dark sky kept the crowds away, but it was hot and muggy enough that it felt great to be in the water. Right as we were leaving, the storm started. It was perfect timing.

Once we got home and cleaned up, we ordered pizza and had a Toy Story marathon. We only watched the first two, but that was plenty of fun. We were all ready for bed after another great vacation day.

Day 6: Chuck E. Cheese, IKEA, and the drive-in

The heading pretty much tells it like it is. Spent the morning playing at Chuck E. Cheese, had lunch at IKEA (kids eat free on Tuesdays!), then drove upstate and wandered around until the drive-in opened. We saw Monsters University and Despicable Me 2 (because we hadn't watched enough movies the day before) and almost all of the kids stayed awake for almost all of the movies. It was a wonderful way to end our vacation days. We stumbled in around one in the morning again, but we learned from our mistakes and didn't get a ticket this time.


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