The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day!

Wednesay was a snow day for all New York City schools. Unfortunately, it wasn't a snow day for all New York City advertising agencies, so Stephen still had to go in to work. He did manage to squeeze in some sledding with the kiddos in the wee small hours of the morning. They were all excited for Seth's first sled ride, but he slept through it. In fact, he never even emerged from his blanket to even see the snow falling, let alone sled in it. The big kids had fun, though.

John was a little leery of the sled, so he invented his own way of getting down the hill (much slower) and they both enjoyed the classic dad sled maneuver. Afterwards, hot chocolate and cream of wheat for breakfast. Mmmm...warm.
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