The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Surprise! We're still here!

Despite what the complete absence of posts might lead you to believe, I have not died or lost my ability to type in a tragic thumb-wrestling accident. I have just been busy (see exhibit A on the left--note the existence of a new Winston). And also kind of a technology-phobe. We got a new camera and a new computer, and I am still figuring out how to put the two together. (By the way, that is a lame excuse. It is really easy, as I have recently figured out.)

Anyway, one of my bevy of new year's resolutions is to blog at least twice a week. I figure it will help me remember some of the really fun moments that are just flying by right now. It will also give me a chance to empty the mental landfill now and then. Be warned, potential readers, there will probably be ranting. And lists, lots of lists. And tons of shameless cute-kid promoting. I just can't help myself. So if you find yourself wondering "what is she rambling about?" just remember: you knew what I was when you picked me up.
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  • At 9:57 PM, Blogger Margot said…

    Can I tell you about the thrill I got tonight when I opened my Google reader and discovered your post? It was fabulous.

    Your kids are just as beautiful as ever. (Or handsome, if you'd prefer I not use the word beautiful for the men-folk. But of course it is completely fitting for Rose.)

    And I think your twice a week goal is wonderful, if for no other reason than I get to read about what you're doing. Bring on the lists!


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