The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Ups and Downs

Last week, I was invited to a party for NYC Lego League volunteers. I automatically said no initially, because I never do things like that, but my fellow coach talked me into going. It was drinks and appetizers in a swanky office building downtown with a panoramic view. Totally not my thing, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to pretend to be a grown up now and then. So I got dressed up, arranged for Rose to babysit till Stephen got home, and hopped on the subway with my friend.

It was a nice place, with some yummy food, and a really amazing view. And it was fun to talk to adults. I was definitely enjoying myself.

Then I took a bite of guacamole and tasted fish. Thanks a lot, random double dipper. I looked at my friend and said- "I have to take a lot of medicine and go home. Right now." And that's what I did. 

I made sure my Benadryl was working before I got on the subway, because I knew that if it wasn't I needed to use my epi-pen and find a hospital. But thankfully, it was getting the job done. I was back home and in bed by 8:30. So much for being a fancy grown up.

Likening the Scriptures Unto Himself

On Mother's Day Seth wanted to go home early from church. (He said he was sick, but I'm pretty sure he had a bad case of "stayed up too late watching Spider-Man: Homecoming.") He promised that if he went home he would only rest in bed and read his scriptures. He was so excited about his promise he started reading them on the bus. He started at the very beginning of the Bible. It was so sweet to hear him narrate what he was reading. "Looks like we are on the third day...Here comes the fourth...Oh, he's creating animals now!" 

When we got home he crawled into bed with his scriptures. When I peeked in to see how he was doing, he was asleep. I moved the scriptures out from under his face, and he woke up enough to talk to me.

Seth: I wasn't in the scriptures very long.
Me: Oh, did you fall asleep fast?
Seth: No, I just wasn't in there very long. Cain killed Abel and then Seth was Adam's next son, and then they didn't talk about me anymore.

He was so happy to find himself in the scriptures, and I was so happy he was understanding what he was reading. It was a great Mother's Day present.

Mother's Day

This Mother's Day I was thoroughly spoiled by these wonderful people. They make me so grateful to be a mother.

I also worked with these wonderful people to make this gift for my own amazing mother. I am so grateful for her.

The day also made me think of the other wonderful mothers in my life. I am constantly amazed and inspired by the examples of love, devotion, dedication, creativity, patience, enthusiasm, and selflessness I see all around me.

Moms really rock.

American Girl Cafe

This is a belated post about Joy's belated birthday party. So at least I am consistent.

A few weeks ago, Joy politely reminded me that she never got the birthday outing she has been promised. So we made the closest reservation possible for the American Girl Doll Cafe, grabbed her best buddy, and headed out for some over-priced, but super adorable fun.

Getting there was not fun. The subways were a mess, and then my gps didn't want to play nice, and of course it was raining, but despite having to dodge a very sincere street preacher collecting money for a soup kitchen by selling hats and yoga books, we managed to make it only 15 minutes after our reserved time. 

The set up was adorable. The dolls had little high chairs, and their own dishes (that the girls got to keep). The napkin rings were hair ties, so of course they had to match. The food was actually quite tasty, and there was plenty of it. And the dessert was so cute- little flower pots full of chocolate mousse.

After lunch we wandered the store for quite a while. There were plenty of things to look at and some fun interactive displays. The girls picked a present for their dolls. Surprisingly, they went for backpacks. Joy got the school set for Anna Patrick, and her friend picked the NASA set for her doll. Function over fashion- I love it!

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Dancing Fools

Here are some photo collages I shared on Facebook. One is Joy prancing and leaping on her way to ballet class. The other is Seth showing off his hip hop skills in his school dance recital. 

Very different, both adorable.

Students of the Month

I neglected to post these pictures earlier, but in April there were two Winstons up on the Student of the Month board at school. Both Rose and Seth were chosen from their classes. It was fun that they were picked at the same time. I was definitely a proud mama.

Some highlights from Seth's long, rambling bio:

My name is Seth. I like to chat, read, watch TV, and draw. I also make lots of friends (sort of) easily...

I like to do plays and I do drum lessons...

My favorite subject is math because I like to get rest and sleep (one time I fell asleep in class)...

I enjoy short sleeve shirts...

I am lucky to have three siblings. They each have good powers (abilities), that usually help me. For instance, my brother helps me when I have nightmares and my big sister helps me with my homework, and my little sister plays with me all the time. Cool, right?

Rose was much less verbose. Her complete bio:

My name is Rose Winston. I am in the 8th grade. I have three siblings, two of which go to this school. I don't have a favorite subject but I do have favorite people. I have no goals for the future except being a decent human being. I am going to Bronx Science in the fall, though, so I should be able to decide there. In my free time I like to draw, read, take photos, and knit.

What the What? (Part 2)

This time I was home, but John still managed to surprise me. He emerged from his room singing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song, and wearing this outfit.