The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Likening the Scriptures Unto Himself

On Mother's Day Seth wanted to go home early from church. (He said he was sick, but I'm pretty sure he had a bad case of "stayed up too late watching Spider-Man: Homecoming.") He promised that if he went home he would only rest in bed and read his scriptures. He was so excited about his promise he started reading them on the bus. He started at the very beginning of the Bible. It was so sweet to hear him narrate what he was reading. "Looks like we are on the third day...Here comes the fourth...Oh, he's creating animals now!" 

When we got home he crawled into bed with his scriptures. When I peeked in to see how he was doing, he was asleep. I moved the scriptures out from under his face, and he woke up enough to talk to me.

Seth: I wasn't in the scriptures very long.
Me: Oh, did you fall asleep fast?
Seth: No, I just wasn't in there very long. Cain killed Abel and then Seth was Adam's next son, and then they didn't talk about me anymore.

He was so happy to find himself in the scriptures, and I was so happy he was understanding what he was reading. It was a great Mother's Day present.


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