The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Sports education

On Saturday we took the kids to a Columbia football game at the stadium down the street. We have been before, so Seth was excited to see "that lion guy" (aka their mascot). He even got his face painted like a lion.

This time, though, he actually paid a little bit of attention to what was going on on the field. After we had been watching for a bit he saw an ad with a picture of a football helmet. He got excited and said, "Mom! If I get one of these I can be a basketball guy like them!"  We reminded him that he was watching a football game and he said, "yeah, that." Later he wanted me to peel an orange for him, so he bent down and threw it to me from between his legs. Then he cheered and said, "I did the football thing!"

I am not counting the scholarship money yet, but I think he may know more about football than any of our other children.


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