The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Catching Up: Stake Conference

A couple of months ago, Rose was asked to speak in church. I happened to walk by as she was being given the assignment and I told her that she wasn't allowed to say no. (I may have used the phrase "just suck it up and do it," but that's not important now.) Then, John was invited to sing a solo at Stake Conference. After much discussion, I convinced (or maybe shamelessly bribed) him to agree. So when I was asked to speak at that same Stake Conference, I recognized that I couldn't fight karma and said yes. And for good measure, I joined the choir since I was going to have to be there in person anyway.

We were both a little nervous about speaking/singing in front of so many people. We both practiced a lot. For the big day, he got a hair cut, and I actually curled my hair for once. In the end, though, looks didn't matter much, because the broadcasting equipment wasn't working, so we were only heard, not seen. That was much less nerve-wracking, and in fact, most of the people in our ward didn't even know it was us. So, all of the blessings with less of the stress. Total win.


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