The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Catching up: Edison adventure

To kick off our mid-winter break, we met up with our PA cousins, the Browns, in Edison, NJ. Named after Thomas Edison, because his famous workshop- Menlo Park- was there. We headed for a tiny museum located on the former site.

It started off... "great." While we were busy cleaning up puke (thanks, carsick Joy) we lost some children in the woods (thanks wandering littles). Once we managed to find them... 

it was a delightful little museum. And we even got a private tour...

which included the world's largest lightbulb. 

Once we finished at the museum , we headed to the mall (so exotic!) for dinner at the food court (so classy!). Window shopping favorites included the Disney store, Build-a-Bear, Flying Tiger, the Apple store, and the Rainforest Cafe. 

Joy and cousin Sophie convinced Aunt Becca to buy them matching outfits.

We finished the mall trip by munching on some crazy cereal saturated with liquid nitrogen that made us breath out "smoke" and taking cheesy group pictures. It was a really fun day.

On the way home we swung by the giant lightbulb again to see it lit up. Much more impressive at night.


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