The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Only a week away

So I am just sitting here going about my life and minding my own business, when BAM! I realize that my baby is going to turn one. In a week. How did that happen? I still haven't done all the important baby things, like teaching him to sleep through the night or moving him into the big kids' room. I mean, yes, he likes to eat the same food we eat and he is taking a step here and there, but he's still a BABY. Except I guess he's not so little any more.

Anyway, I just ordered some presents online (Barnes and Noble has same or next day delivery in Manhattan, how crazy is that?) and am busily plotting/planning a little celebration. In the back of my head, though, it doesn't quite seem real.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

And We're Back!

Well, I took a little summer vacation from blogging, but now that we are three weeks into our new school year it is time to get back into the swing of things. We had a great summer, but it just flew by! There is no way I could sit and describe it all, so you will have to be content with little teasers now and then. So, to kick off our new season of semi-regular blogging, here are a few fun pictures from a trip to Union Square Park with friends, way back in July. Enjoy!