The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

California Here We Come! (Came...)

We just got back from a fabulous trip to California. The main event was my brother's wedding, but we also did lots of visiting with friends and family, stopped by my hometown (Davis, CA), went to the Jelly Belly Factory (yum!) and even found time to play in the pool. Rose learned to splash and kick and even tried to blow bubbles. Rose had tons of fun playing with her cousin Madyn. She was much more willing to try new things after she saw Madyn enjoying herself, and it was really fun to watch them together. It was a great vacation, but as is the nature of vacations, not quite long enough. Rose did great on both cross-country flights, even though on the way home we ended up stuck on the plane for two extra hours. All in all, it was a fantastic trip, and it was hard to come back to the real world.

Congratulations Joseph and Kelly!

Welcome to Kelly Marie Evans, the newest member of our family! We just got back from my brother Joe's wedding in California. It was a beautiful day for a wedding (just barely over 100 degrees) and everything went off without a hitch. They were married in the gorgeous Oakland temple and had a lovely ring ceremony and reception back in Sacramento. Rose and her cousin Madyn got to be flower girls, and did a great job. Joe managed to break his ankle the week before the wedding, ouch! However, they are honeymooning at Disneyland, so they will get to go to the front of all of the lines. So really, it was a (painful) blessing in disguise. Kelly Marie is absolutely fabulous and we are so happy that she is part of our family.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Stephen!

Last month Stephen celebrated his birthday. In fact, he celebrated several times. In this picture he is at home in Illinois sharing the fun with his brother Kenny, who turned 12. (Happy Birthday Kenny!) He also celebrated here in New York with visiting family on the actual big day. So much fun! Then we celebrated the day after by seeing our first broadway musical, Monty Python's Spamalot. It was the perfect date for the two of us...a musical (for me) that made fun of musicals (for him). We highly recommend it. So, one more time, happy birthday Stephen!

Boxed in...

I would like to introduce Rose's new favorite toy, her "coloring box." She loves to color all over it, decorate it with stickers, and sometimes just hang out in there for fun. The best part? When it gets full of decorations, or dirty from snack time, we just recycle it and grab a new one. Plus, it guarantees that she will stay in the same place for at least a few minutes. I highly recommend it to slightly harrassed mothers everywhere.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Just for fun...

Well, I can successfully post pictures. Here is a fun one of Rose to start you all off. She was eating black beans, just in case you are trying to identify the contents of her goatee.

I can do this!

Well, in a quest to keep folks more informed of the secret inner workings of the Winston Family, without adding to Stephen's already ridiculous work load, I have created a blog! I never thought I would be interested in this, but it is much easier than managing the website (still part of Stephen's work load), so I can do it all by myself.

I don't promise to make postings with any kind of regularity, but I do promise to make some! Also, although I am seriously technologically challenged, I will eventually figure out how to post pictures as well. Feel free to respond with comments and/or questions. This could be fun. So, here we go!