The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Just Chillin'

I used my pineapple corer for dinner last night, and John was appalled when I told him I was going to throw away the shell. He rescued it, filled it with water, and "made it fancy." So fancy, in fact, that he couldn't drink it without sunglasses.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Did He Just Say...?

This face is what happens when your little brother reads the word ass out loud during scripture time. Even if you totally know he is talking about the animal.

Thursday, February 08, 2018

Worth the fight?

Joy is taking violin lessons this year. And only lessons. Meaning, she loves her lessons, but she hates hates hates to practice. We are lucky if she will touch her instrument twice a week outside of class. Initially, she had enough innate musical ability to still be at the head of her group. But after several months, the other kids- who actually practice- have surpassed her. It's frustrating because she is good at it, and she does like the lessons, but it is exhausting to have to beg, threaten, or bribe her to follow up on the assignments her teacher gives. I just hope if we power through, eventually she will have that a-ha moment, where she decides that she WANTS to practice. Fingers crossed it comes sooner rather than later.

Sunday, February 04, 2018

Not Really Sportsers...

It's pretty obvious that our family isn't into sports. My kids planned a "Sugar Bowl" party, because they were excited for the funny commercials and the tasty snacks. When reminded that there was an actual game being played, they started debating which team they would "vote" for. Before halftime, three out of four of them had a book in their hands. It's my kind of party.

They Speak the Truth

Thursday, February 01, 2018


Just a cool picture of a cool kid.