The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Seth caught me laying down on my bed to read a book. He climbed up next to me and said "Oh! So this is where we're snuggling!" Can't pull a fast one on that kid.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sweet shopper

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

First hair cut

I couldn't bring myself to trim her baby "curls," but the little sweetie pie officially has bangs.

Belated Birthday Pictures

Despite the lack of photographic evidence, Joy did in fact turn 2 last month. And she did in fact celebrate. I will now provide way too much proof that she got to party like she deserves.

 We had our family party in the morning, because Stephen knew he had to work late that night. She enjoyed a blueberry-pancake-cake complete with candles...

Drank out of fancy glasses...

And opened some presents.

(Yes, that is a chicken hat. Don't judge, she adores it.)

Then she and Seth celebrated at Ikea while the big kids were at school.

That afternoon we met up with some friends at the park for party games.

And finally, that night we had her "real" cake for dessert.

It was an awesome birthday, for an awesome little girl.

Hooray for Easter Finery!