Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Best Backyard in NYC
We live just up the hill from the last surviving natural forest on the island of Manhattan. Last weekend we spontaneously decided to spend about two and a half hours hiking through the woods.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Rose has been learning the classic teaching song in music, Do Re Mi. She has put her own twist on it, though.
This is what she came home singing:
Doe, a deer, a female deer
Red, in tropical and sun
If you say, I call myself
Far along the way to rise
So I need a pulling thread
For our lost and found today!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Sitting is for Babies...
Other babies, that is. Seth is just not interested. He will roll all around the room, army crawl his way up close to something he is interested in, and even get up on his hands and knees in a great pre-crawl pose. But sitting? No thanks. He watches other babies sitting up, but remains unimpressed. He can sit unsupported for a little bit, but soon something catches his attention and he flings himself backward, ready to go after it. And so we wait. Sooner or later he will decide that something is interesting enough to sit still for.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Deep Thoughts from John
"Ducks are amphibians, because they can be in the land or the water."
After a discussion on primary colors..."I is a primary word, because you don't have to mix it with any other letters to get a word."
"A spider can be a bug, but not an insect, because it just has too many legs."
Happy Mother's Day
I was truly and thoroughly spoiled this Mother's Day. I got flowers, breakfast in bed, lunch and dinner cooked for me, and lots of hugs and kisses. The highlight was definitely the coupons the big kids made for me. Here are a few close ups. #1- Big Hugs, #2 Go to Bed, #3 Clean Our Room, #4 a close up of John's Stop Fighting picture. I thought it was so great! I am pretty sure there is a headlock going on there
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Spring Festival- Petting Zoo
We had a great time at the annual Spring Festival this weekend. Four years ago, this is where Rose fell in love with birds of prey, and we have gone back every year so she could see them again. This year there weren't any! So sad. But there were baby goats (3 days old!) and a week-old lamb. And bunnies and chicks. So we still managed to have a good time.