The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Feliz Cumpleanos!

Here are some pictures from Rose's party this year. She wanted to have another owl party, but we kind of talked her out of it. Eventually she decided she wanted a fiesta. So we had all kinds of fun making maracas, hunting chili peppers, pinning the tail on the burro, and learning an extremely simplified version of the Mexican Hat Dance. We had a sombrero cake, and some maraca cupcakes. And of course, to finish up, we had a pinata. (Check out John cheering her on in the pinata picture. It's awesome.)

Tiny Dancer

Rose has been taking dance class at the Y. She doesn't like it. She LOOOOVES it. John is insanely jealous and keeps trying to lie his way into the class by telling me "I'm allowed to go in there. I'm three!" In December, Rose had her first recital. The day was nearly marred by tragedy when I (prepare to be shocked) forgot her tutu. I know! Horrible! She was getting ready to be scarred for life, when another mother saved the day by lending us an extra. So she was able to dance away, and I was saved some hefty therapy bills later on. She was adorable, and we even have video to prove it. Here is a snippet. (There's a word I don't get to use nearly enough. Snippet snippet snippet!)

Oh Hey! I Have a Blog!

So, I don't really know if anyone noticed, but it's been a while since I posted anything. It's a little late to do anything about it now, but I will add some older pictures, etc, so there isn't a huge, gaping hole in our little internet history. Besides, we did some fun stuff in the last 5 months or so. Man, I am a slacker. So anyway, stay tuned.