The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Amelia Jardine Brown!

We have a new niece/cousin in our family! We are happy to welcome Amelia (finally!). She really took her time getting here, but she was worth the wait. We will have to find an excuse to visit her and her brother Toby. And I guess their parents, Becca and Sean. But everyone knows that parents are just gravy to their kids' mashed potatoes. You love it, but it isn't the main event. So anyway, hooray for Amelia!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Funny Boy

Here are some great John quotes from the past couple of days.

Grandpa Jack: Do you call your sister Rosie, or do you call her Rose?
John: I call Rosie an orangutan!

Mommy is humming to help John go to sleep
John: Hey! There's no letters in that song!

Tonight he was trying to request some humming. He asked "Mommy, make some noisy sounds."

Rose is also funny. I will post some of her gems another time.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Big 2

Happy Birthday to John! He knows he has passed one, but when you ask him how old he is, he says "not three." We are working on it. He is definitely feeling grown up, though. Rose called him the birthday boy, and he said "No, I'm the birthday MAN."

We had a dinosaur birthday party (see his pterodactyl shirt?). He ate dino-nuggets for dinner, then played a couple of dinosaur games. We opened his presents (Rose helped) and then dug into his dinosaur cake. He didn't really want to eat much, because he wanted to get back to his new toys. Later, though, he and Rose headed back over to the table and I heard Rose say "Don't tell Janet, we're going to lick up all the cake." I gave them some more, so they didn't have to be sneaky. It was a great birthday, and we are looking forward to spending some more time with all of his new toys tomorrow.

Amateur Photography

Rose has a new hobby. She loves to take "real" pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. I am sure there will be more to come.