The Winston Family!

Your source for infrequent updates on the adventures and misadventures of Stephen, Janet, Rose, John, Seth and baby Joy.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Apples for Annie

We really enjoyed seeing the school production of Annie last week. Our favorite part was the adorable, very enthusiastic apple seller. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

A Few of our Favorite Things

We just spent the weekend with some cousins and Meema, who are also some of our favorite people. And to cap it all off, we got to spend the last day at a few of our favorite places- Legoland, Build-a-Bear, and Chick-fil-A. 

Build-a-Bear was a total impulse visit. The kids had been wanting to do it for a while, and apparently today is National Hug Day and they were celebrating with a major sale. We decided it was meant to be, and welcomed Stormy, Mia, William and Ben to the family. More favorite things.

I do have photographic evidence that we did all of these things, and that the kids enjoyed them, but for some reason my phone is not letting me post them. You will just have to take my word for it.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Must Haves

Tonight I called out sick. Not something I can normally pull off as a stay-home mom, but luckily, I have a smart, responsible teenage daughter who happened to come home early and was able to take over. She mediated squabbles. She walked friends home from our Friend Friday play dates. She planned and cooked dinner. 

When she was planning, she made sure to add a vegetable. I'm proud that she knows it's not dinner without one. Then when it was prepared, she made sure the kids paused for a prayer. Again, it's not dinner without one.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Worth Waiting For

Approximately 3 (or quite possibly 4) years ago I snagged a Ninjabread baking set around Christmas. It's really just gingerbread cookie mix, with cookie cutters in awesome ninja poses. This year I took it out of the cabinet so that the kids would nag me until we actually made it. And it worked! Tonight we finally made them. And they were both adorable and delicious.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Just checking...

Joy fell asleep on the beanbags while I was cooking dinner. They are one of CiCi's favorite napping spots as well. However, the cat is no fool, and has learned that laying down next to Joy will most often lead to aggressive cuddling and smooshing, rather than snuggling. So she had to double check that Joy was reeeeeally asleep before she settled down as well.

Monday, January 07, 2019

Good Company

At least when these two nerds have to stay up past their bedtime doing homework for their highly competitive science schools (after a late rehearsal for their latest musical) they have each other for company. 

And when these two are all worn out and have to go to bed before their roommates, they have each other, too. 

Sunday, January 06, 2019

Hello Again (Again)

They are still here... and still cute. 

Jumping back in and not pretending I will post pictures of all that I missed. 

We had a great summer. We started school. We did lot of fun things. I am officially old now, so we took a trip to the Iconic Illustrators Trail in Massachusetts to celebrate. Merry Christmas. Consider yourself caught up. 

At least my lapse was less than a year this time. Baby steps.